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Landfill Gas Collection & Solutions

Our technological partner has delivered landfill gas and leachate solutions for about two decades. In addition, our partner has core competence in measurement and analysis services including customized solutions from gas collection wells to generators. Our partner’s landfill is designed to ensure cost-efficient collection as well as stable landfill gas quality. The landfill gas collection infrastructure is designed to meet the highest technological requirements in ensuring maximum gas collection.

Our partner’s landfill systems are constructed with several safeguards, including clay or plastic lining to contain leachate. Installed wells are vertical which is generally known to produce better quality Landfill Gas with high methane content. Vertical well also allows greater operating flexibility, and they can be equipped with leachate pumps and ground water pumps. The landfill infrastructure can be designed with opened or closed flaring. Also, our design of landfill gas collection pipes and network are arranged to provide high quality and reliable source of vacuum to well heads. The landfill systems will be installed with leachate systems for preventing leakage of potential leachate which can contaminate underground water and surface ground water.


Leachate Collection Solution

Any new landfill design today must comprise procedures for the recovery and treatment of the leachate produced by the decomposing refuse and for the venting or use of the landfill gas. In the process of landfilling, a large amount of leachate is produced because of rainfall infiltration and waste degradation. Leachate generated due to waste degradation depends on the composition and causes environmental problems if not handled properly. Poor design can contaminate ground water, and thus our partner is very careful in coming up with the right and safe leachate solution for landfill systems.

Our partner has the experience and know-how in designing leachate systems around the world. MSW content vary significantly from country to country, and also weather can be different making it challenging to find the right solution. We can handle design for Landfill leachate in different challenging situations. Landfill leachate management is crucial in ensuring leachate does not contaminate ground water and surface water.

Landfill leachate systems we are offering are high quality design, making sure they are well managed including monitoring features to ensure surface water and ground water is not contaminated. In order to demonstrate a landfill is well designed, it must provide reassurance that leachate control preventive measures work according to the highest standards expected for new landfill regulations.